On campus, 65.48% of all waste produced is thrown away, to a landfill. Let's consider, for a moment, what a landfill is in the context of a product's life. A landfill is essentially a product graveyard, where all the materials that make up and package our products go to "die." Currently, most products are designed to become obsolete, be disposed of, and be transported out of sight to a landfill. Please refer to Figure 1; the current system through which our products are generated is linear. Products are produced, used, and then disposed of, and the cycle stops there.
Figure 1
Defining Product Life Cycle Analysis
Figure 2 |
Examining the "Cradle to Cradle" approach
Figure 3 |
Companies popular on campus are leading the way
Nike has set up the Nike Reuse-A-Shoe program. The program grinds down used athletic shoes (28 million pairs of shoes have been placed into their shredder box) and turns them into new athletic centers and new products like a Nike jacket. Click here to find a store near campus.
Patagonia is closing the loop with their Ironclad Guarantee; any unsatisfied customer can return a product for repair. Many fraternities on campus purchase gear from Patagonia - next time your fracket tears, send it back for a repair!
Coca-Cola, like Patagonia, is encouraging their customer base to recycle their product. Coke's Reimagine Beverage Containers recycling centers provide interactive collection kiosks which encourage customers to recycle. More than 45 million containers have been recycled since the Reimagine program launched in the Dallas area in late 2010.
"Cradle-to-cradle Design." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 27 May 2015. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cradle-to-cradle_design>.
Delivering a Sustainable Railway. London: Stationery Office, 2007. Wind & Sun: Powering the Future. Renewable Energy Corporation. Web. 26 May 2015. <http://www.windandsun.co.uk/media/913/rec-life-cycle-analysis-brochure.pdf>.
"Municipal Solid Waste." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 26 May 2015. <http://www.epa.gov/osw/nonhaz/municipal/>.
"Nike Better World." Nike. Nike, n.d. Web. 26 May 2015. <http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nike.com%2Fus%2Fen_us%2Fc%2Fbetter-world%2Freuse-a-shoe>.
"Patagonia - Repairs, Returns & Recycling." Patagonia - Repairs, Returns & Recycling. Patagonia, n.d. Web. 27 May 2015. <http://www.patagonia.com/us/patagonia.go?assetid=5175>.
Richardson, Alison L. "Building Recycling Rates | Recycling | Plant Operations, UofM." Building Recycling Rates | Recycling | Plant Operations, UofM. Plant Operations at the University of Michigan, 22 Aug. 2014. Web. 27 May 2015. <http://www.plantops.umich.edu/grounds/recycle/building_recycling_rates.php>.
I think some products are designed with no thought for minimizing waste. Many products could be made to be easily reused but that does not always happen. I try to reuse many containers- especially food containers. I think plastic drink bottles tend to contribute a lot to environmental degradation, even though a lot of them are made from recyclable materials.