Friday, August 10, 2012

Green of the Week: 6th Edition

         U-M Recycling's Green of the Week is here again!  Our news this week comes from The Washington Times "Communities" section, in an interview between Joseph Cotto and Dr. Patrick Moore, one of the original co-founders of the environmental activist organization, Greenpeace.  The article, while following the personal answers and opinions of Dr. Moore, is particularly enlightening on how environmental activism works in our contemporary world.  Many a time, we have skewed conceptions of the environmentalist movement - from both the pro- and con- side.  The interview serves to better inform not only about Greenpeace and its mission, but the extent to which being "green" is really beneficial to our world.

         Dr. Patrick Moore is a credible source to be talking about Greenpeace, with even more incredible academic credentials.  Along with being named President of the Greenpeace Foundation in 1977, Dr. Moore 's accolades include an "Honors BSc in biology and forest biology, a PhD in ecology during which [he] was the recipient of a Ford Foundation Fellowship, an honorary doctorate of science from North Carolina State, the Einstein Society's Award for Nuclear Science and History, along with over 40 years experience in all aspects of the environmental movement".  So, Moore is no stranger to the environmental movement both in academia and in its societal applications and organizations.  The article explores his leaving of Greenpeace after less than ten years as its head, and he explains the nuances of their goals as lacking real academic backing for the most part - something he could not stand by.  

         On a lighter note, Dr. Moore details his inspiration for involvement with environmental movements and his dedication to building sustainable environments.  If you want some insight on environmentalism from a successful and credible source, definitely check out Dr. Patrick Moore and this interview. 

To read the article and interview in its full detail, please follow the link below:

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